Sunday, July 16, 2023

Swimming Hole

A day that began at the glorious Getty Center just kept getting better, thanks to Time Out whose list of 52 best things to do in Los Angeles recommended places to swim and eat in the general vicinity.  It seems like most visitors to Malibu Creek State Park jump into the water as soon as they can.

Thom and I hiked a couple of miles, to Century Lake after a jogger told us to turn left at the Planet of the Apes sign.  Turns out the park used to be the 20th Century Fox backlot and the 1968 blockbuster was among many movies and TV series shot at the "Fox Ranch" on location since the 1930s.  

Bob Hope, who owned much of the land adjacent to the ranch, donated it to the park which opened to the public in 1976. 

In 1900 wealthy Los Angeles businessmen built a country club on the property and erected a dam.  When 20th Century Fox bought the land, they named the lake after the corporation. I couldn't wait to get wet.  Swimming holes have been an obsession since childhood, perhaps because I spent so much of mine in the desert.

It took all my persuasive powers but Thom finally took the plunge too.

Like most Hollywood stars, this lizard was ready for his close-up.

Thom put a straw bag he bought in Venice to immediate use.

After leaving the park we drove north on the Pacific Coast Highway to Neptune's Net, a fish shack popular with bikers and locals.

I nearly bought the lobster flip flops.

Note the back of the cook's t-shirt.  "Assholes live forever."  Indeed!

My delicious crab cakes were dense with meat but Thom paid all night with his very spicy ceviche.  Ginger beer is my new go-to nonalcoholic beverage when dining out while driving.

Afterward we enjoyed macaron-gelato sandwiches while watching the surfers.  It seems as if everyone in Malibu is living their best life--we certainly were!

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