Sunday, November 26, 2023

Bicoastal Thanksgiving

We celebrated an unusual Thanksgiving in South Boston this year, Desmond's first.  He'll be throwing peace signs with the rest of us in no time.  Tom and Audrey were on the West Coast for the holiday to cheer Zoltan on during his first marathon.


I took Amtrak from Moynihan Station, a pleasant journey that almost has become routine. You get the best views of Manhattan sitting on the left side of the train going north through Queens, past the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge and over Randall's Island.

Brightly sunlit infrastructure and shadows made the on-time arrival in Boston interesting, too.

Magda and Joe had a full agenda planned for Friday.  We began at the Museum of Science with a shortened presentation of the Polar Express in 4-D.  The chairs shook, ice melted on our faces and the chemical scent of chocolate wafted through the room.  But the sweet Christmas message provided the best special effect of all: it left even the adults a little weepy.

Our glasses reminded me of a similar holiday experience in 2009, before Magda married and started her own family.  We went to see Avatar on Christmas Day.

You won't find a more pleasant place to spend indoor time with your children than the enormous museum.

A bed of nails didn't phase Dagny.

Every young family needs a portrait with a T-rex!  But it raises a question:  where's Desi?

After a yummy leftovers lunch we headed to Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge.  Magda does know how to make her guncle happy!

Joe, Della and I climbed to the top of Washington Tower, which memorializes the father of our country but looks like a chessboard piece.

Magda, Dagny and Della waited 62 feet below.

It turns out that the hilly cemetery is the perfect place to ride a scooter.

Two days later, on Sunday, fleet-footed Zoltan--aka Boland Kutya or Crazy Dog--finished in the top 10% of all Seattle Marathon runners.  His time: 3:21:40, with an average pace of just under 8 minutes per mile.  Well done!  

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