Thursday, April 18, 2024

Black Leather Vanity @ Tiffany's

Interior designer Peter Marino's redo of Tiffany's flagship store on Fifth Avenue impressed me when I visited at Christmas, so I was intrigued to see an exhibit of his art collection on the ninth floor.
"Peter Marino" by Julian Schnabel (2022)
Can anyone say "chutzpah?"

Not that I was above horning in on the action.  And truth be told, if it weren't for Marino's black leather branding, I probably wouldn't have been nearly as curious.

Peter Marino by Michelangelo Pistoletto (2023)
Much of the second-rate collection appears to have been purchased recently, perhaps with the money he earned from the commission.  I'm guessing a guarantee of exhibit space must have been part of the contract negotiation.

"Angelus Novus X" by Francesco Clemente (2022)
Untitled (Girl with No Eyes) by Julian Schnabel (2001)
Marino is clearly a Richard Prince fanboy.

"Picasso" Works by Richard Prince (2011-12)  & "Kalao Pink" by Antoine Poncet (1991)
Untitled (Cowboy) by Richard Prince (2012)
Marino's taste is more decorative than mine.

"Tiffanies and Tiffany" by Urs Fischer (detail, 2022)
"Salivary Cell" by Damien Hirst (detail, 2007)
There's quite a bit of embossed silver, too, which I appreciated for its reflective qualities.

Go for the art, stay for the views, the design, the merch and the flowers!

Brace yourself for vertigo as you make your descent from the eighth floor.

Here's what that Tiffany's trademark blue spot looks like from the third.

"Bronze Eroded Venus of Arles" by Daniel Arsham (2022)
The shrine to Audrey Hepburn seems oddly sepulchral.

Luxury retail outlets give me a severe case of imposter syndrome.  Uncharacteristically, in recent years I've bought three baby gifts from the store, including one of the Steiff elephants flanking the middle shelf.  It's hard to believe how much the Tiffany's branding increases the cost.

This would have been more up my alley as a kid.  I still have a thing for seahorses.

Look up at the ceiling in the cafe and you'll see dozens of gift boxes hanging by ribbons.

The floral arrangements really are something.

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