Monday, April 13, 2015

Crossing the Charles Bridge

From Josefov, I meandered along the Vltava River and several side streets towards the Charles Bridge which rivals the castle for Prague's most popular tourist attraction.  More beauty along the way.

I avoided the temptation of a pedicab but not some fresh cinnamon pastry.

A Gothic tower provides access to the bridge from old town.

Here's looking back at old town from the base of the tower.

Thirty statues line either side of the bridge.

Tourists rub some statues and grillwork for good luck.

They also leave behind locks with their initials engraved.

Better to buy souvenirs, I say.

The bridge offers great views of the castle, too.

And the river itself, of course.

I was lucky.  The crowds weren't bad but the street sweepers still had to work hard.

I climbed the tower on the right for better views as I approached the other end of the bridge.

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