Saturday, April 11, 2015

Death March

After touring Karlstejn, we had plenty of time for the hike that Chris wanted to take.

In Caleb Crain's Necessary Errors, a book he'd read about American expatriate life in Prague, he recalled a gay character going to a local swimming hole.  We followed the yellow trail markers to both Little and Big Americas.

Usually, looking for a gay cruising spot is right up my alley.   While our eight-mile hike wasn't particularly strenuous, my cold meant I was dragging and whining much of the way.

You can see Karlstejn sticking out from behind the mountain in this shot.

If there were any gays about, I'm sure I would have sucked in my belly more.

Here's Big America.  It definitely looks like a good place for sunbathing in warmer weather. Chris later learned that Czech westerns were filmed in this area.

We came across some Soviet-era stone carving, too.

Returning to Karlstejn seemed like coming home but we still had to march down that damn hill to the parking lot.  My dogs were dead tired!

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