Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Last Night on the Town

I spent my last night in Berlin with the indefatigable Florian.  Even after working a full day, he didn't mind being my nocturnal guide.  Our evening began with an ice cream cone at the Hokey Pokey and included a stop at KaDaWe, Germany's biggest department store.  I still wear a coat I bought there in 1993.

From there we headed to Schoeneberg, the gay area, and passed this colorful curry wurst stand.

Fifi loves her wurst, too!

Window shopping at fetish stores is always fun but we had to hop on the U-Bahn to Neukolln to find a reasonably priced restaurant.  Think Williamsburg when it was cheap + immigrants and you'll get the idea.  I was too tired to go out afterward.

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