Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Morning Walk, Central Berlin

Nothing says efficient mobility like an all-day transit pass in Berlin.  I like the design of the U-Bahn doors, too.

After transferring at Zoo Station, I got off at Friedrichstrasse to walk to the DDR Museum. I pointed my camera up, down, across and straight ahead taking photos of Berlin's amazing center.  It's hard to believe that people alive today remember when the city was reduced to rubble and then divided by a wall.

Now these are pretzels!

I didn't get a chance to visit the Altes Museum, Berlin's oldest.

The Berlin Cathedral, the city's largest church, is situated on the same green.  Martin Luther claimed it for the Protestants during the Reformation.

These figures are engraved on the main entrance.

The broadcasting tower behind it is a relic of the German Democratic Republic.  A truly phallic symbol for an impotent country.

Tourists couldn't wait to snap a selfie with one of the water critters and nymphs at Neptune's fountain.

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