Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dinner At Field

Nikita, Chris's Russian friend, made a 7:30 p.m. dinner reservation for us at Field, a very trendy restaurant in a city not known for its fine cuisine.  I had the Arctic char and some kind of rhubarb dessert.  Delicious and best of all, cheap.  Try eating this well with cocktails and a bottle of wine in New York or anywhere else in Europe for $60.

After dinner, we took an Uber (my first) to a hotel bar where we met Ramon, a young Russian friend of Nikita's.  He suggested we head to Anonymous, a hipper place with a Guy Fawkes theme but the hostess politely informed us there was no more room.  En route, we peeked into Kino Lucerna, an Art Nouveau-era movie theater.  Gorgeous!

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