Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hidden Jewels

I got a little lost looking for the Vrtba Garden.  It's off a side street below the castle.

The frescoes in the villa at entrance are the only original elements of the baroque garden.

Not exactly the kind of place you would expect to find Cupid wrestling an alligator.

The gardens are terraced with manicured hedges and shrubs.  Flowers bloom in the empty areas, but I was too early to see them.

There's a balcony at the top.

I couldn't resist filling this gaping hole with my mug.

Statues depicting Greek mythological figures lined the second terrace.

Including this scary goddess.

The Lennon Wall, just a five-minute walk away, offered a study in contrasts.  The Czechs do love their intellectual rock 'n rollers.  

Chris and I dined a second time at U Bulinu.  Great food and service at reasonable prices--who could ask for more?  I wish there was a place like it in my neighborhood!

Even abandoned buildings in Prague are pretty!

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