Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Road Trip

Thom picked me up in Bernardsville on Christmas Day for our road trip to the Folly.  Tom, Audrey and Zoltan, in from Seattle for the holiday, wore the scarves I bought in Fes.

This ornament came from the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, a stop on the road trip Christine and I took last spring.  Road trips are a big part of retirement!

After stopping in DC to get Christine, we drove his Mercedes and her Mini Cooper down to Lake Worth in tandem with an overnight stop in Fayetteville, North Carolina, near Ft. Bragg.  Thom first put the top down in Georgia.

We passed the world's largest cigarette in Richmond.  Light traffic sped our journey south on I-95 but finding a place to eat Christmas night was a challenge.  Even McDonald's was closed.  Next year, we'll pack our own food.

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