Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's Timmy Time!

Magda and Hilary went to New Orleans for a girls-only weekend with their friend Rachel. They left Timmy behind with me.  Hilary is running in the marathon today.  Thursday and Friday weren't much fun for him.  But things improved on Saturday, when he got to sleep in.

He gets pretty frisky after returning from his morning walk in Central Park.  "Chew on your bone, fella" while I do some chores.

What would the weekend be without a little color-coordinated down time?

Timmy's quite the cuddle buddy, too.

Like Magda, he never passes up an opportunity for tanning.

Timmy refused to pose during his evening walk by the reservoir.  Nor would he take a poop or a pee after nearly an hour.

We got up really early today to take advantage of the off-leash hours in Central Park.  This is the first thing Timmy sees in the morning:

When I worked at the ASPCA in the late 80s, I hired my friend Ted (who designed the original Fire Island Pines flag) to create the logo for the Founder's Society, long defunct.  These dog bowls haven't been used since Dave, Jeff and I put Smokey down in 1992.  She was a great dog, completely house-trained and fond of a stinger at sunset.  Do people even drink stingers anymore?

But I digress.  Timmy and I walked to the Ramble via Summit Rock, the highest natural elevation in Central Park, where we stopped to play a little ball.  He doesn't have the attention span necessary for "fetch."

But he LOVES running up hills and stairs.  You can't even see his fat little tush in this shot.

We stopped for a brief siesta near the lake.

Timmy even made a friend.  He has pretty good taste in other dogs, I must say.

Of course there's video, too.  Too bad I didn't capture Timmy's under-the-covers reconnaissance move, or when I found him licking my kitchen walls (poor guy doesn't have any balls)!

Dog sitting has revealed a whole new world to me--yet another one I'm not quite ready to join yet!

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