Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nairobi, Briefly

With only a morning in Nairobi, I visited the Giraffe Center with Chris.

Schoolchildren as well as tourists of a certain age love feeding the head butters.  In spite of my ignorance (they're Rothschild, not reticulated giraffes), I don't think I had a more enjoyable moment on the trip.

You won't find a more dedicated conservationist than this knowledgeable young man who took great pride in his job.

One reasons lions don't prey on giraffes is their kick.  Chris got a sense of its power by picking up a rear leg bone.

En route back to the hotel, we passed the Langata cemetery which reached capacity several years ago.  That hasn't stopped people from bringing their dead.  Many of the markers are fighting a losing battle against time and corruption.  Some officials lined their pockets with the money that was supposed to be used to purchase new land.

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