Sunday, February 19, 2017

I'm a Waitress in a Donut Shop

After horrifying Thom--someone promptly threw up near his shoes the minute we turned the corner onto Bourbon Street for his first and only visit--we made our way to Maypop, a new restaurant celebrated for its Asian spin on Creole cuisine.

All evidence to the contrary, Mardi Gras revelers don't barf beads.

After our most delicious meal of the trip, we hit Frenchmen Street for the second night in a row.  Brass bands in New Orleans arrest you with their talent.

But we had trouble finding a bar that played the kind of music we all liked.

This anonymous combo reminded me of Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, definitely an acquired taste.  If the kewpie doll vocalist had covered "Sweetheart," I would have been in heaven.

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