Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Maid of the Mist

You haven't been to Niagara Falls until you've gone on the Maid of the Mist boat cruise.  It's beyond touristy--it's sublime!

Elevators inside the viewing platform take you to the dock below.

Slickers are included in the $18.50 admission cost.

But they don't really keep you dry.  Especially not your feet.

Not that it mattered in 85 degree weather.  Still, I wish I'd held on to mine for rainy bicycle trips around Manhattan.  Just the right amount of kitsch!

Wouldn't you know,  I ran out of video storage space on my phone just as we were moving past the magnificent American Falls.  They inspire the kind of adjectives our president uses routinely.

Surround-spray off the Horseshoe Falls, where the boats turn around, soon consumed the incredible views.

People in the yellow slickers are touring the Cave of the Winds.  They practically can reach out and touch the Bridal Veil Falls from the Hurricane Deck.

After the boat ride, you can climb steps that get you even closer to the American Falls but nobody was up for it.  We'd had enough awesomeness for time being.

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