Friday, September 15, 2017

Photoville or Bust

Bust I'd say, after pedaling all the way from the Upper West Side.  Most of the photography on display in stacks of shipping containers below the Brooklyn Bridge didn't do much for me. Advocacy trumped innovation or aesthetics in most cases.  It even looked like one container was being used as an ad hoc recruitment center for the Marines!

One of the more interesting displays demonstrated how critical industrial photography can be for branding.

Exhibits from Africa and Europe stood out for different reasons.  The colorful motorcyclists in Boda Boda Madness reminded me of Chicano lowriders.

This Dutch work focused on what can only be described as a disembodied future.

I had to look elsewhere for bridal photos.  The subway crossing the Manhattan Bridge caught the sun, too.

Swarms of tourists crowded the bricked streets of DUMBO taking selfies.  Note the perfect frame for the Empire State Building.

The trip back to Manhattan--with views of Brooklyn old and new--reminded me of my favorite Photoville exhibit, which displayed unremarkable photos of New York's housing through the past four decades.  The rich have come a lot farther than the poor, that's for sure.

I waited in vain for a seaplane to lift off the East River.  Another day.

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