Tuesday, February 13, 2018

More Than Swimming Pools

If you like bright color, don't miss the David Hockney exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art even if it will set you back $25 smackeroos.

I'm always up for an Andy portrait.  "A certain bohemia died with Andy," Hockney observed in an interview, complaining he didn't know where to go anymore

Hockney's LA set included Don Bachardy, Christopher Isherwood and Ossie Clark.

No doubt they spent more time talking about hot guys than sprinkling their lawns, but he renders both subjects impeccably.

I'm a big fan of his Polaroid collages.  An expensively framed reproduction of Pearlblossom Highway  (1986) hangs in my New York City bedroom.  It soon will relocate to Lake Worth, a more Hockneyed climate.  If only our pool came stocked with fish like these!

Has any artist been more open to new technology than he?

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