Thursday, April 19, 2018


Antonio and his son, who I called "Baby Driver," a reference that eluded him, posed with Christine outside the villa.

Antonio had arranged a hang gliding excursion for Thom and me in Sao Conrado where the ocean licks the steep cliffs in Tijuca National Forest.  Look closely at the sky.

What goes up must come down.

A steep, winding road took us up the mountain to the Pedro Bonita ramp, 1700 feet above our landing strip on the beach.  Thom and his instructor surveyed the scene.  Gulp.

My instructor said little but I got the gist:  Run as fast as I could off the ramp unless I wanted to die.

Christine nervously captured the exhilarating take-off.

Go Pro cameras affixed to the side and front recorded the ten-minute flight.


Video does a better job of capturing the silent wonder of the perspective if you've got the patience.

The front-view video is included in the cost.  This fellow sold us the panorama-view.  

He didn't have to try very hard.   Who could resist imposing your image on this spectacular setting?

Look at Thom.  You'd never know from this glamour pose that he nearly pooped in his pants half an hour earlier.

A parasailor passed as we waited for the video to download to our devices.  

Our instructors, who are limited to four flights a day, gave us the thumbs up.


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