Wednesday, April 18, 2018

View OD

We spent the morning mountain hopping.  Antonio took this photo at the Dona Marta lookout point in Cosme Velho.  You might think we were climbers.

Christ the Redeemer knows better.  He sees all from his perch.

Sugar Loaf, our next destination, dominates Rio's landscape.

Getting there required transferring cable cars on Urca Mountain.

Fortunately, they were bigger than this one.

The bright sun illuminated the underside of the station.

We looked for marmosets in a jungle on top of Sugar Loaf.  Christine spotted several.

I was too busy getting a selfie with Ipanema in the background.

Believe it or not, the views lose their awesomeness pretty quickly.

I focused elsewhere.

Thom napped, of course.

Antonio posed with the Brazilian visionary who conceived the idea of linking the two mountains.

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