Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Lehman Trilogy (5+*)


A three-hour history lesson that tells you everything you need to know about the American dream, including the unpleasant and incontrovertible fact that generations of wealth were built on the backs of slaves.  If The Lehman Trilogy sounds woke and dreary it's not, thanks to the three incredibly talented thespians (actors is too generic a word) who re-enact the rise and fall of  Lehmann Brothers over two centuries, and a set and projections that serve as an able time machine cum elevator.  I won't soon forget Adam Godley twisting away the late 20th century, during which the family made the fatal mistake of allowing the speculators--young immigrants who, like the Bavarian founders, simply wanted to make a buck--take over the bank and blowing its greedy, cynical wad.  Bravo!

Adrian Lester (r), Simon Russell Beale (c) & Adam Godley in "The Lehman Trilogy" by Sara Krulwich

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