Friday, May 27, 2022

Sunny Afternoon in Glasgow

In  Scotland, they play tennis and bowl on lawns.

Sauciehall Street (that's pronounced saw-ky, not saucy) took us a mile back into the center city, past some blindingly white homes.

Living in an "historic district" in Lake Worth, greatly restricts what you can do to your home without getting a special permit.  Our house dates back to the early 60s.  In Glasgow, it appears you can do just about anything even though its buildings, centuries old, truly belong to another time.

What a difference an "i" (and 35 years) make!  The Smiths, my favorite band of the 80s, released "Strangeways, Here We Come" after they broke up.  In the video for "Girlfriend in a Coma," intercut with scenes from The Leather Boys, a movie about a young husband who's insecure about his masculinity, Morrissey never look yummier.  No tribute band could duplicate that.  Or Johnny Marr's ringing guitar.

Glasgow's architectural juxtapositions can be jarring.

Off to the Highlands for some weekend biking, no doubt.

Sidewalk cafes sprouted in the late afternoon sun.

It had gone behind a cloud by the time we finished our so-so cocktails.

When in Scotland, do as Scots:  drink Scotch or beer.  There's plenty to be had.

The Hunterian even mounted an exhibit about about the dangers of tippling called "Demon Drink."

The first Duke of Wellington and his doff traffic cones in front of the modern art gallery. Apparently, it's a thing.

Thom put on his new Belstaff outfit to go to dinner.  The Indigo Hotel's wallpaper set it off nicely.

I wish I'd bought this sporran.  It coordinated with a special Pride kilt.

Florian recommended Ardnamurchan for dinner.  I chowed down on venison stew.  The restaurant's name means "headland of the great seas" and refers to a remote peninsula. You can't get farther west on Great Britain's mainland.  Too bad we missed it.

Thom raved about the panna cotta, which the Scots seem to do particularly well.

Daylight walked us back to our beds.

"Hey, I'm an American tourist" I yelled as we crossed the street.  "Can I take your picture?"  "Sure, but we're Polish!"

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