Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Three Old Men of Storr

Thom will be happy to know that headline doesn't include him.  How could an old man leap like this?  Although truth be told, it took the sight of a really old woman striding along to get him to this far.


The Old Man of Storr is a hiking destination on Skye almost as popular as the Fairy Pools. Look to the right of the mountain in the distance and you'll see it.

It's a slow steady climb of almost four kilometers on the Trotternish peninsula.

The Old Man of Storr overlooks the Sound of Raasay.

We ignored the sign like everyone else.

We held a pre-summit summit.

Both Thom and Chris had removed at least two layers on the way up.

Going down is always trickier for this old man because of my knees.  My new Italian hiking boots--which may very well be the most expensive shoes I've ever purchased--helped a lot. And they sport turquoise laces.

We still had a full day of touring ahead.  Kilt Rock was the next stop.

The rock got its name because the face of the basalt cliffs look like a tartan plaid if you look at them head on.

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