Thursday, August 25, 2022

72 Bay

Can you tell I was happy to be back?  Victor invited us to join him at his house for several days.  I hadn't been a guest in the Pines since 1987, the summer I auditioned for my first share.


That likely was long before this hunk was sculpted.  Victor told us the model is now a dentist in Pittsburgh.  But his ageless, bronze avatar will always have the Pines.  Just don't tell anybody that he and his white-hot brethren were commissioned by Abercrombie & Fitch.

I'd never seen 72 Bay in the morning.

The fiber art hanging in the bedroom that Thom and I shared captured the same view from a different angle in the evening.

There's always a party going on at Victor's house.  This mostly millennial, well-bred crew stopped by two nights running.  Victor calls it "force multiplication."  And that's why I dubbed him Master Spinner.

We alta cockers had a poison ivy scare on our return walk from Sunken Forest.

A new queen reigns at the east end of Bay Walk.

And Trailblazers Park, with the Pines's only water fountain,  is a new (and long overdue) addition to the harbor!  

Marsha "Pay It No Mind" Johnson
Sylvia Rivera
Thanks Victor!  Au revoir.

More Pines Guest Stays:

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