Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Miami Holocaust Memorial

After a visit to the Bass Museum, Christine and I walked over to the Holocaust Memorial which made quite an impression on me when during a 1994 trip to Miami.  Both the surrounding area and the world itself have changed enormously since then.  

A menorah greets visitors to the memorial.  After seeing The Zone of Interest the week before, we were primed for the gruesome experience.

A passageway inscribed with the names of concentration camps and death factories leads you to an enclosed plaza surrounded by water.  Digital cameras have vastly improved my photography.

I appreciate the lack of subtlety.  You can't fail to be be horrified by the giant hand grasping for life.

Names of the identified dead are etched into the walls.

Is it any wonder that Jews sought a safe space in their ancestral homeland after the Nazis (and other complicit nations, including the United States) failed to prevent the murder of six million?

Tombstone-like, marble panels depict the operation of the camps, including Dachau.

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