Wednesday, January 19, 2022

FLASHBACK: Bye Bye Kurt (1994)

Anthony, Barnet and I were in South Beach when Kurt Cobain killed himself. 


We stayed at the Kenmore Hotel.  Barnet and I shared a room.

We spent more than a little time lounging around the kidney-shaped pool drinking Zimas.

Gustavo, Anthony's ex who had moved to Miami, stopped by.  He'd lost all his baby fat and turned into a club kid.

He took us to Amnesia in his car.

Even in April the feygelehs crowded the beach at 12th Street.

It killed me to have to rent a chaise lounge.

One day we biked to Cocoanut Grove, passing the Fountainbleu.

Barnet's Aunt Clara was very happy to see us.

Thirty years later, Anthony gave me raw video footage of the trip we had completely forgotten about.  Barnet was in fine form!

We also visited the Holocaust Memorial.  I saw my first in Paris, in 1962.  It gave me a dark view of humanity at a very early age.

Exhibits at the Paris museum included grisly items from the concentration camps.  In Miami, the memorial conveyed the horror of the experience mostly through harrowing sculpture.  It, too, made quite an impression.

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