Tuesday, January 18, 2022

FLASHBACK: First Invasion (1988)

You never forget your first Invasion.  But three decades ago, it was a lot harder to capture images like these.  My camera bag must have weighed 10 pounds and it required a technical proficiency I lacked for optimal results.  Is this Pansy?  She's been around as long as I have!

Back then, drag was more a thing among older guys.  Younger men like me were too obsessed with masculinity.

For example, this fellow has never faded from my consciousness, although we never met. Keep in mind I was crushing on Mel Gibson at the time.  He hasn't aged nearly as well.

So many queens

. . . and at least one pope.

The judges didn't wear robes.

I'll let you decide the winner.

A real lady always removes the price tag from her hat.  You just know she returned it to Bergdorf's the next day.

The boat back to Sayville was full of beauties, too.  I called these guys the Doublemint Twins.

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