Wednesday, January 19, 2022

FLASHBACK: Return To School (1995)

Anthony taught a screen printing course at the Fashion Institute of Technology.  I enrolled after I discovered the school didn't offer a basic sewing course.

Thom, another FIT graduate, and Anthony joked that the acronym stood for "fags in training."  My first project reflected that identity.  I dreamed of editing  a Fire Island rag called "Poof News" that circulated gossip overheard on the ferry, when people are at their chattiest.

I had plenty of latitude to showcase my other gay icons.  No woman--aside from Mom, of course--has made a bigger impression on me than Jane Fonda in Barbarella.  Given the opportunity, she could have wrecked my gold-star status.  I scanned the image from a 1968 Life magazine cover that I had rescued from our dusty El Paso attic.  Jane's life is the one I most would have wanted to live.

I'll bet this image would have helped increase donations to the Dems from the queer community, possibly forestalling the Republican Revolution and the subsequent disintegration of American politics.

Jackie didn't screen nearly as well as Courtney Love (top), my best effort.  Those lips!  That lyric!  It was either that or I fake it so real I am beyond fake.  "Doll Parts" remains the apotheosis of grunge IMHO.

 Anthony gave me a B+.  Too bad I didn't print the images on higher quality fabric.

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