Tuesday, January 18, 2022

FLASHBACK: Dream House (1992)

David dreamed of owning a country home in upstate New York.  He and Jeff bought this old farmhouse in Westtown, nearly two hours north of the apartment they shared in Manhattan.

David didn't have long to enjoy it.  He died two months after this picture was taken.

But they both loved getting away from the city on weekends.  I recall it as a time of death and blaring car sirens.  Jeff grew up on a farm in Iowa, so it felt like coming home to him.

They welcomed the Pines gang and Barnet, too.  There was great antiquing in the area.

I visited one weekend with James, a 24-year old hair colorist who had a thing for "older" men (I was just shy of 40!).  It's pretty obvious I wanted to show him off. Although I liked Jeff, I'd never really gotten over David.  

Guess which pair of shoes James wore.   I'd slept with him more times than anyone since David and I had ended our relationship years earlier even though we had absolutely nothing in common.

James had the desired effect.  David and Jeff took us sightseeing to High Point, NJ.

We had fun but I wrote James a "Dear John" letter on Monday.

Dear James—


I told you I was mean.  I didn’t mention I was chicken too.


Things between us have been moving too quickly. I’m just not ready to spend as much time with you as it seems you would like.  Many people would be delighted to find five messages on their answering machine when they return home for a long day at work.  I was so annoyed that I unplugged my phone and have left it that way because I don’t want to feel pressured again if you decide to call again this evening.


Perhaps, as my friend the psychiatrist suggested, I sent the wrong signal by taking you away this weekend.  I thought we would have a good time and we did but I also was glad to spend Sunday evening by myself.  I’m a creature of habit and solitude is an important part of my routine.


James the nights I spent holding and sleeping with you were among the best I’ve had in a long time.  You’re a nice guy but you want something different than I do.  Let’s put an end to this before things sour, so I can remember you always as my sweet baby James.


And that, as they say, was that.  I'm pretty sure he didn't get the Sweet Baby James reference.

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