Tuesday, January 11, 2022

FLASHBACK: Travels With Charlie (1963-1964)

With apologies to John Steinbeck.  I'll start with Italy because Charlie is included in several slides.  It's hard to believe that the Hons pulled a trailer across the Alps . . .

or that Charlie infamously took a dump in St. Mark's Square.  That probably explains his subsequent disappearance in this travelogue.

Florence barely registered after the glories of Venice.

Camping didn't agree with Mary.  After she and Ken had a fight at Lake Garda, we skipped both Pisa and Rome.

We made a couple of trips to the Netherlands.

Amsterdam is truly incredible during tulip season.

Street decorations made of tulip petals.

Madurodam, a miniature city and park near the Hague, and I are nearly the same age.  

Father/son London Fog raincoats.

I couldn't wait to get to London, mostly to see Cleopatra.  I was OBSESSED.

We visited the Saxbys who had returned to England after living across the hall from us on Holbein Ring.

Mary and Eleanor.

Stuart and I fed the pigeons at Trafalgar Square.

The Sixties had just begun to swing.

10 Downing Street.  I doubt if tourists can get this close now.

Buckingham Palace.

The changing of the guard.  Yawn.

Le Mans racetrack.  It will look familiar if you've seen Ford v. Ferrari, one of my favorite movies of 2019.

More London:

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