Friday, October 28, 2022


Despite it's prominence in my imagination, I don't think I'd ever experienced Carnaby Street before.  It's now part of a shopping area called the Newburgh Quarter and about as removed from the Swinging Sixties as you can get.  It's all about branding, baby.

Nothing sums up what rock 'n roll has become better than the Rolling Stones store which I avoided with the same fervor as their overpriced baby boomer nostalgia concerts although I continue to love their music.

Still the neighborhood is full of interesting buildings and landmarks.

After visiting central London for a week in late October, I'm not sure Times Square can claim to be the "crossroads of the world" any longer. Tourists thronged no less in Leicester Square. What must it be like in July?

Tube signs suggest that passengers get off at the stop before or after Covent Garden and walk to their destination because of crowds.  I couldn't wait to get out of the area completely.  Not my scene at all.

We took refuge at the Friendly Society in Soho where the young bartenders, living up to the joint's name, referred to us as "boys" and knew how to make Chris a Manhattan.  Too bad we were early.

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