Thursday, October 6, 2022

In & Out

Thom and I took a very rainy trip to Massachusetts to see Tom's and Audrey's huge new abode in North Andover.

Selfie-time for old duffers with my old college roommate throwing the peace sign for a change!

We stopped in South Boston the next day to say hi to Magda, Joe, Dagny and Della.  Thom brought the D-Girls new outfits, with predictable results.  The Pines gurrls got some, too, a couple of days later.

Dagny and Della may be among Harry Styles's youngest fans.  Dagny changed back into unicorn wear for this impromptu dance party.  Della has perfected the bunny hop.

Before we departed the next morning, I read a couple of pages from The Legend of the First Unicorn, a book I picked up at the Kelpies in Scotland.  I know my audience.

The skies cleared shortly before we boarded the car ferry from New London to Orient Point on the eastern end of Long Island's North Fork, completely new territory for me.  

Our 90-minute short cut to the Pines took us across the Long Island Sound and saved Thom about four hours of driving, not to mention at least half a tank of supreme gas!

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