Tuesday, October 11, 2022

We're Baaaaack!

An October visit to the Pines reduces the self-consciousness of aging.  Older men, typically home owners and their guests, populate what a former housemate once dubbed "the island of lost boys."

Thom, Randy and I arrived early at the Patrick's and Marty' recently renovated place on Neptune.  The unique decor reflects the years they spent in Hong Kong and the presence of their 12-year-old son. Grayson loves the heated pool. 

This propaganda poster--my favorite thing in the house--illustrates the solidarity between the People's Republic of China and the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Thom and I are expressing solidarity, too, in a great photo taken by Steven.  Look at the size of that teapot behind us!

A balcony overlooks the high-ceilinged living room.  

Jack Parlett has written a very thorough (and thoroughly pretentious) history of the community where I have spent much of my summer life.  It felt great to be a guest!

With the shades pulled up in the living room, birds occasionally crash into the enormous windows.  This stunned yellow-bellied sapsucker let me get close enough to take a picture.

We had five days of sunny, autumnal weather.  

Seagulls feasted upon these unfamiliar crabs.

Chilly ocean water prevented me from swimming but I spent a couple of hours each day walking from the Pines to the Grove.  

You know you've become a tourist when you start taking selfies like this one.  At least I didn't stoop to photographing deer!

We were too early for Halloween but not Thanksgiving.

I've relinquished my crown as the "Queen of Leftovers" to Thom, who stuffed his suitcase full,  and snatched Randy's wildflower bouquet, too.

Thanks again, Patrick, Marty & Grayson!


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