Saturday, November 12, 2016

Saturday Crowds

A drizzly Saturday was the price we paid for Friday's sunny weather.  The Victoria and Albert Museum kept us warm and dry.  It houses a vast collection of eye candy.

We started at the top in the vast porcelain collection, among the crowds of figurines.

The museum's floors creak as you walk through galleries that have been around for as long as many of the items on display.

I'm a BIG fan of Aubrey Beardsley (also known as Awfully Weirdly!) who was an editor at this Victorian publication.

We had to purchase a ticket for "You Say You Want a Revolution:  Records and Rebels 1966-1970,"  pop culture catnip for baby boomers especially with its Woodstock room.  Cool, man, cool. Too bad about the crowds and no photographs policy but I did manage to capture Twiggy, whom I adore almost as much as Aubrey.  Carnaby Street in its heyday is definitely a place I would visit in my time machine.

Best Bowie album cover ever (from my own collection)!  The Thin White Duke blew a mean sax.  If you don't believe me, just listen to his 1973 covers of "Sorrow" and "I Can't Explain."

Afterward, we popped into Harrods, a short walk away from the V&A in Knightsbridge. The fading emporium, distinguished now only for its architecture, illustrates the downside of globalism.  You can buy the same luxury products anywhere if you have the money.  Tom and Audrey were tickled to discover that one brand is selling like hotcakes.  They bought Zoltan a Canada Goose jacket long before it became a thing.

We stopped at Covent Garden, also mobbed, before walking back to the hotel to meet Chris for dinner.  He spent the day at his favorite bookshops.

More London:

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