Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Now That's What I Call A Library!

On our last day in Vienna, we rushed to catch the pricey morning exercise at the Spanish Riding School.  Nice backdrop but yawn.  Lippizaners are camera-shy while training.  In other words, no pictures.

From horses to books, the Hofburg complex has everything.  Awesome may be an overused word, but it certainly describes the Austrian National Library's interior.  It smelled better, too.

I wonder how long these bookmarks have been in place?

An exhibition documented the 68-year reign of Franz Joseph.  Only two other European monarchs sat on the throne longer than he.  If Elizabeth II makes it to 2021, she'll overtake him.  And if she's still kicking in 2025, she'll beat Louis XIV, the record holder.  You go girl!

Franz Joseph had his portrait painted so often that some enterprising historian created a video illustrating how he grew from a fresh cheeked boy into those whiskers.  It went on for another 40 or so years.  Cue Cher:  "if I could turn back time."

I'll bet Sissi discouraged his kisses.

Think of all the things an emperor does with his hand.

Like taking aim.

We wandered around the First District for the rest of the morning.  Thom found his underwear and a nail salon before flying back to Kennedy.

I caught the train to Prague from Vienna's brand new Hauptbahnhof.  

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