Monday, November 7, 2016

The Silver Collection

I felt shitty but we walked from our hotel to the Imperial Palace for a full day of sightseeing.

The opera house was indeed bigger than the one in Budapest.

Mozart was hanging out nearby.

You can drink him in Vienna, too.

We spent much of the morning gasping at the Hofburg's Silver Collection.

This napkin fold is a state secret.  Really.

Nymphs and castles adorned the ceramic plates.

Sustaining this luxury kept a lot of craftsmen employed in the Austro Hungarian Empire. Many of them lived and worked on the palace grounds.

Franz Joseph fell for a 16-year-old girl named Elisabeth whom everyone calls Sissi, now that she's a cult figure.  Photographs weren't permitted in the museum documenting her reluctant reign, or the royal apartments where she lived but think Princess Diana and you'll have a good idea of what made her famous:  beautiful, crazy, sympathetic and tragic.  A whalebone corset supposedly kept her waist narrow until she was assassinated at age 60.

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