Friday, November 11, 2016

A Bird's Eye View of London

David Bowie got me to London for the first time since 1975. Tom & Audrey, my best friends from college, suggested we catch the London production of an avant garde musical incorporating many of his most famous songs. Bowie has been our cultural hero for most of our adult lives. Tom does a falsetto version of "Major Tom" in the shower and I have an "Aladdin Sane" lightning bolt tattoo.  Audrey does, too, combined with a partial refrain from "Heroes."

Coming in from Heathrow on the tube, some Scottish footballers asked me where I was from. "Canada, this week." Several knowing people in the packed car laughed.

Chris, who’s been to London so often that he has favorite bookshops, told me it would be a completely different city than the one I remembered. A spin on the Eye proved the truth of his assertion.

New buildings and cranes everywhere!  No doubt Brexit will end that construction boom.

The older section of the central city looked familiar but this was my first bird's “eye” view.

We strolled along Queen's Walk on the south bank of the Thames to our next destination.

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