Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Peaks Island

We couldn't have picked a more relaxing way than a ferry ride to end our trip.  A sail boat probably would have been more fun, but we didn't have time before our noon check-out.

Islands and forts crowd Portland's Casco Bay like chunks of seafood in its chowder.  Peaks Island is home to the most people, including nearly a thousand year-round residents.  John Ford even directed productions in its summer playhouse.

A man driving a tractor got priority boarding.

Our mostly sunny voyage lasted 17 minutes.

Joe and I documented the return trip on video while Tom napped and Magda participated in a conference call.

I wasn't the only one throwing a peace sign as we disembarked!

The walk back to our Airbnb took us along an Exchange street which had a great view of City Hall.

When Joe pointed out the availability of Lemon Chiffon at a popcorn shop, I couldn't resist buying a small bag.

Live music thrives in Portland, with big-name acts playing medium-sized clubs.  Too bad we didn't stay long enough to catch a show but the Pines beckoned.

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