Monday, June 20, 2016

Point Prim Chowder House

Anyone will tell you I'm guilty of hyperbole, enthusiastic more often than not, but I really can't remember a better travel dining experience than the truly fabulous meal we enjoyed at the Point Prim Chowder House.

Let's start with the middle-of-nowhere setting, half way between Charlottetown and the Woods Island ferry on the southern shore of PEI, right next to the province's oldest lighthouse.  A helicopter and more than a dozen cars randomly parked outside of a modest structure at the end of a peninsula suggested something special lay in store.  Had we driven any further we would have sunk into the Northumberland Strait, just as the sun was about to do.

Lack of reservations on the inaugural night of the 2016 season meant we had to sit outside. We didn't mind.  Despite the stiff breeze you couldn't beat the company or the view, and a cancelled reservation permitted us to devour ice-cream sandwiches indoors.

A blackboard, the only menu, anchors the unpretentious decor.

The simply served, freshly caught seafood had me salivating so badly that I forgot to photograph my second course, a incredibly delicious pasta rustica.  The Bloody Caesar (substitute Clamato for the tomato juice) and repeated exclamations of culinary delight contributed, too.

Don't feel bad for Joe.  He ordered only a lobster roll but fed well from everybody else's plates and washed his food down with a Beach Chair, too!

I couldn't resist gushing about our meal to the manager, who was enjoying a well-deserved smoke outside.  He introduced me to the young, talented chef just before the sun disappeared.

A local buoy tree and a pasture of cows contentedly grazing under the rising moon on our drive back to the Pink Cottage made for a perfect evening I won't soon forget.  

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