Sunday, June 19, 2016

Free Ferry

GPS wanted to take us to the car ferry at Caribou one way but I insisted we had enough time to follow the coastal route going east to Sheet Harbor and then heading north through the Liscomb Game Sanctuary.  The land isn't nearly as developed as it is on Nova Scotia's southwestern shore.

Although it didn't cost anything to take ferry, we couldn't make a reservation unless we booked a round trip.  We got to the dock 90 minutes early with dozens of vehicles ahead of us.

Thom counted more than 100 vehicles disembarking so we knew the ferry would have no trouble swallowing us.  I felt a little bit like Jonah entering the jaws of the whale.

It took a little more than an hour to cross the Northumberland Strait, which gives the ferry company its name.

My t-shirt commemorating "The Gates" attracted the attention of three Christo groupies who were going to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island's capital, to see a road production of "Mama Mia."  Originally, they were from White Plains, NY, where both my mother and father spent their childhoods.

"Will we like it?" the auburn haired woman asked skeptically.

I cannot tell a lie.  "If you love Abba."

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