Sunday, June 19, 2016


Magda and Thom get cranky when they miss lunch.  Hunger sent us straight into Charlottetown, about 15 minutes away from the Pink Cottage.  We passed this lovely church on our way.

Joe tasted several new beers (locally brewed Beach Chair would be a good export to the Pines!) and dodged a bullet at the Water Prince Corner Shop.  Our lovely waitress, who had returned to PEI from Boston to take care of her elderly mother, told us the Anne of Green Gables musical, the world's longest running annual musical, was a must-see.  Using Tom's phone, the only one whose plan included data in Canada, Magda discovered performances didn't begin until the following week.

Easily walkable, Prince Edward Island's small capital is home to two beautiful churches and an abandoned hospital.

Magda directed a peaceful photo shoot.

This sign forecast the next day's adventure.

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