Saturday, June 18, 2016

Picturesque Lunenberg

Lunenberg, a British colonial fishing village about 90 minutes southwest of Halifax, defines picturesque particularly on a sunny afternoon in early summer.

Just ask this horse.  Despite the blinders, he gets any eyeful.

Children obviously selected downtown's color scheme from a box of day-glo Crayons.

An Episcopal church toned down its exterior, if only slightly.

Many of the houses have what is called a Lunenberg "bump," or dormer window.

The architectural details beg to be photographed.

Just like the street decorations.  They hung against a sky as blue as the Mahone Bay.

If you overdose on the outdoor beauty, galleries offer plenty of interesting work by mostly local artists.

But Lunenberg hasn't drifted away from its roots entirely.  Somebody has to catch all those lobsters!

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