Monday, June 20, 2016

Bears, Buoys & Stickers

I asked my traveling companions to sum up our Canadian trip with a single word as part of a silly video.

Thom shouted "bears" because he nearly mowed down a mother and her three cubs while barreling through the Liscomb Game Sanctuary.  Ironic that we couldn't photograph one of the trips most exciting (and unexpected) moments.

Magda chose to pronounce "buoys" correctly.  I insisted it could be pronounced like the word for immature males (see below) but the guy who made them had final say.

Joe was determined to win a "Pump Up The Fun" game that required collecting "stickers" from gas stations whenever we gassed up.  Circle K won nearly $200 worth of our patronage with this ploy.  We went home empty-handed even though we forced Magda to humiliate herself when she forgot to claim one on our way back from Peggy's Cove.

"Fresh" would have been my choice.  The fresh smell of the landscape, the fresh experience of traveling with Magda, Joe & Thom as a group, and the fresh visit to the lovely Maritime Provinces.

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