Thursday, June 16, 2016

Easy Peasy

St. Andrews looked even better in the morning after a delicious breakfast at Honeybeans Cafe.  You can't go wrong with the home-made strawberry rhubarb or cinnamon coffee cake.  A super-friendly woman said "easy peasy" when she took my order.

We got an early start for the Fundy Coast.  Negotiating mostly two-lane coastal highways was fun and the driver got to choose the music too!  Nothing like Nada Surf's cover of "Champagne Supernova" to get me going.

Who could resist a colorful pit stop, even if it was a little early for lunch? After telling us the world-famous seafood chowder we'd seen advertised was five kilometers down the road in St. Martins, the man behind the counter offered to cancel our order.  Canadians are like that:  unassuming, modest and unfailingly polite.

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