Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Lamoille Valley Rail Trail

After a swim, doing the laundry and eating another scrambled egg brunch, we made another pass at the Lamoille Valley River Trail.  We started  at an access  point closer to Smuggler's Notch.   It required walking under a bridge engraved with monochromatic graffiti.

Technically, this bridge that crosses the river near Cambridge Junction isn't part of the trail.

A kayaker sought some shade  for lunch on a warm afternoon.

Only thirty four of trail's 93 miles, which run through the spine of the Green Mountains in Northern Vermont, have been completed.  We barely covered four.  Most of the people we saw were biking.  Hiking gives you more time to notice nature's beauty.

Corn fields stretch for miles along the fertile valley.  

Traveling with Thom includes animal husbandry and farming questions that anyone who ever belonged to the 4H Club in high school could have answered.  Unfortunately, I didn't.

We learned at the Bragg Farm that almost no old growth forest exists in Vermont because much of it was harvested for timber in the 17th and 18th centuries.  

A reminder that Halloween is just around the corner.  Some leaves were just beginning to turn.

Here's my best covered-bridge selfie.

Foote Brook Farm provided the tomatoes we needed for our dinner salad.  They weren't nearly as delicious as the peaches.


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