Sunday, September 26, 2021

Only An Octave Apart in DUMBO

Justin Vivian Bond lured me to St. Ann's Warehouse for my first live performance since Thom and I saw "The Inheritance" in December 2019.  I wasn't familiar with Anthony Roth Costanzo, but man the guy can SING. Their pull-out-the-stops duet of Bowie's "Under Pressure" brought me to my very tired feet.

Tired because I'd walked from 47 Pianos to DUMBO.  It took 2.5 hours on a perfect autumn afternoon.  The Manhattan Bridge offered plenty of photo ops.

The jewel box of Jane's Carousel sits on the banks of the East River, looking good from any vantage point.

An aerial view of Brooklyn Bridge Park's north end.

People enjoyed the sun and views on Pebble Beach.

Dumbo was really happening.


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