Friday, September 3, 2021

Legal Weed

Joe took me to NETA, the weed dispensary.  IMHO, marijuana legalization is as big a social change as marriage equality.  Guys I went to high school with in El Paso were tarred with criminal records throughout most of their lives because they got caught with a joint.  To say nothing of millions of jailed African Americans. 

If there's such a thing as "high" irony, this is it:  the former site of the Brookline Savings Bank houses NETA.  Yet you can't use a credit card to pay because the feds don't approve.

Business was brisk on a holiday weekend.  In spite of placing our orders on line, we opted for the "walk-in" line which saved us at least 20 minutes.

I bought two boxes of "nuggets" ($72 for forty 5 mg doses of THC).

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