Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Other Woodstock

After a midday snoop, soak and snooze at Rock River (where photos would not have been cool), Thom and I headed to Woodstock, Vermont which Magda described as "super cute," her code for lots of shopping opportunities.  A guy filling his truck at a Mobil station recommended the Worthy Kitchen, "a craft beer and farm-to-kichen spot" for a late lunch. Emphasis on the beer.

We explored downtown a bit just as the stores were closing.  When the Vermont Flannel Company allowed us inside after 6 p.m., I bought a new robe and underwear.  It must have been a delayed effect of the sloe gin fizz I had at the Worthy (but costly) Kitchen!


Check out the meta license plate on this beauty:  56 Stud.  Thom refused to pose, maybe because it would have added two years to his age.

Kitschy farm animals are big in the Green Mountain State.  

Google couldn't help me identify this witchy symbol.  It hung outside one of the numerous gift stores.

Kedron Brook certainly adds a picturesque element.

Who Is Sylvia?, a queer-owned vintage store, actually straddles it.  As we soon discovered, lots of lesbians call Vermont home.

Beautifully restored nineteenth-century homes and churches line Elm Street.

We found the source of the brook, too: the Ottauquechee River, the first of many difficult-to-pronounce names we encountered on our trip.

We still had a two-hour drive north to our final destination.  Our twilight route took us past Barnard, a crossroads on the map, near Silver Lake, with an iconic general store.

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