Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Geezer Outing

Tom and I paid $120 each to see a Dad-rock concert, my first arena show in more than 20 years.  Who would you rather have as your personal photographer?

MetLife Stadium was only half full for Aluna George, who gamely performed in "I Dream of Jeannie" harem pants nonetheless.  Few present would have understood that cultural reference.  If we weren't the whitest members of the audience, we certainly were among the oldest

Sneer at Coldplay all you want hipsters, but the band puts on a SPECTACULAR show.  Chris Martin even had the good grace to plead with the audience to put away their cell phones for a single song, "so we can all be in the same place at once."

Note the LED wristbands, included as part of our admission.

They blinked in different colors to produce scenes like this.

The crowd went nuts for "Something Just Like This," a 50,000+ person singalong (thank you Chainsmokers!).  If only I'd been in tune.

During "A Sky Full Of Stars," my favorite Coldplay song (thank you Avicii!),  I felt like a true believer in a Pentecostal church.  It's hard to shoot video when your body wants to leap in ecstatic response to a truly joyous tune!

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