Friday, September 13, 2019

2019 Whitney Biennial

Who's making the art seemed as important as what was exhibited at this year's Biennial. Much of the work left this old white guy baffled, but it was always interesting.

Diane Simpson

Nicholas Galanin

Calvin Marcus

Martine Syms 

Ragen Moss

Robert Bittenbender

Wangechi Mutu

Maia Ruth Lee

Nicole Eisenmann

Marlon Mullen

Tomashi Jackson

Brian Belott

Todd Gray

Gala Porras-Kim

Eddie Arroyo

Josh Kline

Jennifer Packer

Janiva Ellis

Keegan Monaghan

Kyle Thurman

Note who placed the ad exhorting the execution of 5 innocent men.

Alexandra Bell 

Elle Perez

Jeanette Mundt

Pat Phillips

Meriem Bennani

John Edmonds

Outside, unknown exhibitionists

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