Saturday, December 7, 2019

Cooking in the Riad

It takes a while for the medina to get going on a Saturday morning.  Minus the teeming crowds, it really shows its age.

Souvenir tagines--baking dishes.  We'd be seeing more of them in a few minutes.

Luxury-branded soccer balls.  Fake, of course.

Moroccans of all ages are fond of the "thumbs up" gesture.

Abdul led us to our cooking class in Dar Cherifa, a restored riad, where the sleepy staff served us tea and pastries on the roof.

Thom loved the biscotti so much he ordered a kilo to take home.

The woven seats were still damp from Friday night's downpour.  Most riads are covered for that reason.

The morning sun would dry them soon enough.  There's another world on top of the medina.

Eventually, they called us downstairs to prepare lunch.

Just about everything was for sale, including the oil paintings.

Several of us waited on the roof while the chicken with lemon cooked.

Fortunately, we didn't have to peel the pomegranates.

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