Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tinghir Walkabout

Yves Saint Laurent (more about him later) said that prior to visiting Morocco, he designed only in black and white.  Tinghir, a bustling oasis, provided a palette of color at dusk, especially in comparison with arid plains to the south.

Look how light changed the view from the Hotel Saghro, which loomed over the city.

We walked downhill to the city for cash, water and Coke Zero.  This young woman happily let me take her picture.  The times, they are a changin' in the selfie age.

Construction beams designed with insulation in mind.

A blacksmith.

Another bike for my rapidly growing international collection.

This man urged us to detour to the women's market.  We didn't go, but learned from other members of our group it was a front for a rug merchant who collected paid a tourist bounty.

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